“Rounding out the cast is a very funny Clinton Brandhagen as the celebrity struck stage hand.”
“There are parts of this play, and this production, which are as good as anything I’ve seen on stage this season. An impromptu steak-and-wine party involving Welles, Leigh and Welles’ truth-telling manservant (a very funny Clinton Brandhagen) seemed as absurd as anything in Rhinoceros.”
Tim Treanor | DC Theatre Reviews
“Celebrity narcissism + audience voyeurism ÷ ordinary human vulnerability = guaranteed laughs, with a little something wistful in the remainder column: It’s an old equation, but Orson’s Shadow proves it out all over again, and pretty elegantly, too.
Clinton Brandhagen rounds out the cast, playing the cheerfully clueless stagehand who keeps stumbling into inopportunities on Daniel Conway’s nicely cluttered backstage set.”
Trey Graham | Washington City Paper
“Rounding out the cast is a very funny Clinton Brandhagen as the celebrity struck stage hand.”
A Potomac Stages Pick for a fun back stage battle of egos Brad Hathaway Brad Hathaway | Potomac Stages